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Saturday, June 12, 2010

PowerPoint Lesson Introduction Revised

Subsequent to criticisms, a review and an evaluation of the initial PowerPoint created to deliver a Social Studies Lesson introduction on 'houses', I revised the production. VIEW HERE!

Now included in the PowerPoint is a first slide with animal pictures and words which pupils will view one by one to name the homes in which these animals live. The words and pictures are still colourful so they appeal to visual learners, however, this picture-word initial slide will serve as one that activates pupils prior knowledge of homes and prepares them to concentrate on people's homes. Additionally, grade one pupils are building their reading and spelling skills so the picture-word association helps them to make the link between animals they know and the actual spelling and pronunciation of their three or four letter-word names.

It cannot be observed, but another amendment which will be made to the presentation of the introduction is the way the students are allowed to watch the video of the 'Three Little Pigs'. The video will be stopped at different intervals and pupils will be asked question to get them to identify the different kinds of houses observed as they go along. Continual questioning keeps pupils focused on the objective for looking at the video and keeps pupils alert during its viewing.

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